Wow Server Switch Addon

Wow Server Switch Addon Rating: 6,6/10 2189 reviews

World of Warcraft Raid and Mythic Plus Rankings. Gold making in World of Warcraft has never been easier with our addon! Your Auction. Pricing data for US servers is not currently updating on Blizzard's side.


The Tycoon Gold Guide is one of the latest creations from Manaview. It’s a new in-game addon that claims it will automate powerful gold strategies in World of Warcraft leading to an increase in gold income of “up to” 500%. It function is to transform ‘gold making’ into a fun, quick, and immensely profitable experience.

This is something WoW players have been waiting for sinceVanilla and it has the power to completely change the way gold is collected.

So, does Tycoon actually live up to all the hype? Well, Ipurchased a copy, used it for a week, and am now sharing my experience withthis tool.

The million dollar(gold) question… does it work?

I’ll get straight to what you want to know. Does Tycoon work?

Yes, it absolutely does!

They claim you can make 230% more gold by using Tycoon. I found this to be a fairly conservative number. I used the addon for several days now and I’ve managed to open my mailbox to over 500%-700% more gold than I normally receive trying the exact same strategies by myself.


You can find the Tycoon Gold Addon:Here

How Tycoon Works

The idea is simple, yet quite powerful.

Manaview took the best gold strategies in the game and made an addon that automates the difficult or and time consuming parts of the strategy. Since it’s automated, the strategy has been optimized so you’re more efficient doing it, resulting in what I’ve seen to be about 5 times more gold than you would normally get.

The 5 current strategies included are Gathering,Grinding/Farming, Crafting, Auction House Playing, and Dailies. These are themain gold making strategies currently used by the WoW community, so almostnothing is left out.

The addon intelligently studies your server’s economy and shows you things like:

– Exactlywhat strategy will make you the most money

– Whatitem will make you the most money based on calculations

– The bestway to get that item by giving you things like, optimized gathering routes orhot farming locations.

– It knowsif too many people are using that strategy and will often times tell you to getan item with less competition but still in high in demand. This means you’rethe only one getting that specific item because there’s no competition. Thus resultingin getting more of them. And because there is high demand, you can sell it forsuper high prices.

Detailed Walkthrough

When you startup Tycoon, the first thing you need to do is scan the Auction House to help Tycoon learn your specific economy. This is a quick process that occurs with a click of a button. This is a bit like Auctioneer but it’s a much quicker scan that takes no more than 30 seconds to complete.

When the scan is complete Tycoon now has enough informationto do its magic. A window will appear with lists of items ordered from top tobottom by how much Tycoon believes you will make, per hour, if you go for thatitem.

Remington model 700 serial number dates. I’m impressed with how accurately Tycoon gives good adviceon which items will make you the most money.

Many times, items that you never thought would make you themost gold per hour will appear at the top of the list. That’s where Tycoonreally shines. It can scan through an enormous amount of data that would take ahuman several hours to sift through. People usually skip past economy studyingand just go straight for the highest level items, but with Tycoon you’lldiscover those aren’t always the items that will make you the most gold perhour.

It knows your economy better than a human ever can, it knowsif the market is inflated and knows when the competition is too high. Ifsituations aren’t right to go for one item, Tycoon will give you another one.It’s a good feeling to know you’re always working the strategy that will makethe most gold possible at that point in time.

Tycoon does more than just tell you the best way to make the most gold. It also shows you how!

If Tycoon tells me to mine Cobalt ore, all you need to do isclick the “Show me routes” button and it will give you highly optimized miningroutes. This creates ant trails around your which guide you over the mostpopulated mining node locations. This feature is great and has allowed me todouble the amount of ore I typically get mining without the addon.

ServerWow Server Switch Addon

Wow Server Switching Addon

This was an awesome feature added to the Gathering Moduleand there’s no way I can go over all the features in this short review. But all5 Strategy Modules have some kind of special feature that helps you get themost of that item in the shortest amount of time!


No review would be complete without the negatives. Thatsaid, I could only find one real negative about Tycoon.

Sometimes Tycoon will put an item at the top of the MostProfitable list that isn’t in very high demand. It does show you the “demand”of the item is low, however. So, if you pay attention to that and don’t go forany items that are low in demand, you should be able to quickly sell it.Otherwise, if you don’t mind waiting, you will still sell it eventually.


Tycoon is a pretty slick product that is going to change Gold Making in World of Warcraft. Once you’ve used Tycoon, attempting to play without it will be nearly impossible.

The addon is beautiful and has very few bugs for a productof this type. With the data, tools, and special features of this addon, it isvery hard NOT to make more gold using it.

So, if you’re looking to make more gold – quite a bit more – I recommend checking out the Tycoon Gold Guide. It is by far the best way to make the most gold possible in the shortest amount of time.

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>>Download the Tycoon Gold Addon<<