Json Com Repeater Asp.net
The other day I was reviewing some code in an ASP.NET Core app. It was an HTTP endpoint, written as a simple, lightweight middleware component (so no MVC), that was handling incoming JSON requests. The endpoint was intended to act as an ingestion point for larger amounts of data, so by definition it was supposed to perform well. In this article we will learn how to bind HTML using JSON data in ASP.NET MVC.
May 02, 2012 I'm building a small test prototype where I'm pulling data from a back-end SQL database using a repeater and an entity data source. One of my columns returns data in JSON format.
Json Com Repeater Asp.net File
I serialize a class into a JSON obeject, and then deserialize it and pass it to Repeater as it's datasource object. Using the new Model binding functionalty of .NET 4.5 I can display the content as follows:
What Is Asp Repeater
So, MessageId, Matched Percentage, Search String and Matched On are single values, but Countries are an array. I'm not sure how, and even if this is possible to create them within the repeater.
My JSON string is :