What Is Gpu Process Chrome

What Is Gpu Process Chrome Rating: 7,3/10 4992 reviews

Empire Earth 1 PC Game Free Download. Empire Earth 1 PC Game is a real-time strategy video game of 2001. This game was developed by Stainless Steel Studios. The release date of the game is November 23, 2001. It is the first part of the series. This game is made for Microsoft windows. This game is single player and also multiplayer. Free download empire earth.

Chrome Version:23.0.1271.97 (Official Build 171054) m Operating System: Windows 7 The GPU background processes in Chrome were causing my GPU temps to rise when the computer was idle for a few minutes. I noticed this recently when I'd hear my video card fan going.

  • Yeah, it is definitely Chrome doing this. I am looking at videos on Facebook and my GPU is spiking repeatively. It keeps throwing itself up to exactly 1709MHz before dropping down to a leveled 1278MHz for a second longer, then drops back down 608 sometimes, where it potentially spikes back up or go down towards 253.
  • The GPU process is a process used only when Chrome is displaying GPU-accelerated content. Chrome uses GPU to accelerate web-page rendering, typical HTML, CSS, WebGL, etc. The memory is in the GPU of-course.

What Is Gpu Process Chrome Safe

by Martin Brinkmann on September 04, 2012 in Google Chrome - Last Update: June 02, 2019 - 15 comments

Chrome URLs are internal pages of the Google Chrome browser designed mostly to provide developers and advanced users with detailed information about the browser's internals.

Just like Mozilla Firefox or Opera, Google Chrome ships with a set of internal URLs that you can access for various purposes. From displaying internal information to downloads, looking up crashes or the browser's experimental features that you can enable to test them out, there is something available for anyone here.

But which pages are available, and what purpose do they serve? The first thing that you need to know is that all Chrome URLs begin with chrome:// followed by one or multiple words afterwards. Multiple words are always hyphenated and URLs never include spaces or special chars in them.

You can display the list of Chrome URLs by loading chrome://chrome-urls/ in the browser. While that gives you a list of available pages, it won't provide you with information on what purpose they serve, and not all pages that are available actually. You can obviously load them one by one to find out, or look at the list below for faster results.

List of Chrome URLs

  • chrome://about -- lists all internal Chrome URLs.
  • chrome://accessibility - Displays accessibility information for each tab open in the browser, and whether the feature is turned on globally.
  • chrome://appcache-internals - Information about appcached sites, including how much space they use.
  • chrome://apps/ - Lists all installed applications (by user and those that ship with the Chrome browser on a new page.
  • chrome://blob-internals/ - Information about Binary Large Objects (blobs)
  • chrome://bluetooth-internals/ -- Displays information about connected Bluetooth adapters and devices, e.g. whether devices are presented and discoverable.
  • chrome://bookmarks - Opens the browser's bookmarks manager
  • chrome://chrome/ - Opens the about page.
  • chrome://chrome-urls - Displays this list. Can also be loaded with Chrome://About
  • chrome://components/ - A list of internal components such as 'chrome crash service' or 'pepper flash', and options to check for updates for each individually.
  • chrome://conflicts/ - Lists all modules loaded and reveals whether there are any conflicts.
  • chrome://crashes/ - Displays information on recent crashes if crash reporting is enabled.
  • chrome://credits - Technologies that are included in the browser, their licenses, and who has created them
  • chrome://device-log/ - Shows a log of device related events.
  • chrome://devices/ - Lists physical or virtual devices connected to Chrome. Option to add printers to Google Cloud Print.
  • chrome://dino -- Displays the 'there is no Internet connection' error page.
  • chrome://discards/ - Information about tabs that were discarded during the session. Options to discard individual tabs from the page.
  • chrome://download-internals -- Start downloads and monitor responses and the process.
  • chrome://downloads - The browser's download manager listing all past downloads
  • chrome://extensions - Displays the installed extensions
  • chrome://flags - Displays experimental features that may or may not be integrated into the browser at one time or the other
  • chrome://gcm-internals/ - Displays Google Cloud Messaging information.
  • chrome://gpu - Information about the video card and supported features, e.g. hardware acceleration
  • chrome://help/ - Opens the about page.
  • chrome://histograms - Histogram related information
  • chrome://history - Opens the browsing history page with options to clear the browsing history or look through it to find a page that you have opened in the past.
  • chrome://indexeddb-internals/ - IndexedDB information in the user profile.
  • chrome://inspect - Option to inspect elements, such as pages or extensions in Chrome
  • chrome://interventions-internals -- Lists the intervention status, flags, logs, and other information.
  • chrome://invalidations/ - Lists invalidations debug information
  • chrome://local-state/ - Lists features and whether they are enabled or not in the local browser, also state information.
  • chrome://media-engagement -- Displays the media engagement score and thresholds for all sites opened in the browser. The score is used to determine video autoplay with sound.
  • chrome://media-internals - Displays media information when you play media
  • chrome://nacl - Information about Chrome's NaCl plugin (Native Client)
  • chrome://net-export -- capture network activity and save it to a file on the disk.
  • chrome://net-internals - Displays detailed network and connection related information, including SPDY connections, sockets or dns lookups
  • chrome://network-error/ - Displays the network error message.
  • chrome://network-errors/ - Displays the list of network error messages that Chrome may throw.
  • chrome://newtab - Displays the new tab page
  • chrome://ntp-tiles-internals -- Displays information about the tiles on the New Tab page and the Top sites functionality.
  • chrome://omnibox - Display address bar input results on this page, includes search, shortcuts and history information in the results
  • chrome://password-manager-internals/ - Password manager logs are listed on the page. Logs are cleared automatically when the page is closed.
  • chrome://policy - All policies that are currently active in the browser
  • chrome://predictors - A list of auto complete and resource prefetch predictors based on past activities
  • chrome://print - The print preview page
  • chrome://process-internals -- Process and site isolation information, frame trees.
  • chrome://quota-internals - Information about free disk space available for the Chrome profile directory, and usage and quota details
  • chrome://safe-browsing -- currently under construction. Displays Safe Browsing status.
  • chrome://serviceworker-internals/ - Lists all Service Workers registered by the browser, and options to unregister.
  • chrome://settings - Opens the main Chrome Settings' page.
  • chrome://signin-internals -- Displays inforamtion about the signed in account(s) such as last signin details or validity.
  • chrome://site-engagement -- Dispalys an engagement score for all sites visited in the browser.
  • chrome://suggestions/ - All New Tab page suggestions, and when they expire.
  • chrome://supervised-user-internals/ -- Lists information about the active user, and gives administrators options to test website filters and other things.
  • chrome://sync-internals - Detailed information about the browser's synchronization feature if enabled.
  • chrome://system/ - Lists JSON information about the system, sync, memory usage and more.
  • chrome://terms - Google Chrome's Terms of Service
  • chrome://thumbnails/ - All top sites urls with and without thumbnails.
  • chrome://tracing - Recording needs to be activated before the page gets filled with information. Once you do, the browser will start to record your browsing activity
  • chrome://translate-internals/ - Translation information that include supported languages, which languages get never or always translated, and logs.
  • chrome;//usb-internals -- Add and test USB devices connected to the computer.
  • chrome://user-actions/ - A log of user actions, e.g. close tab, change tab and so on.
  • chrome://version - Displays the browsers version and various related information, including command line switches, user agent, JavaScript, Flash and WebKit versions, as well as path variables
  • chrome://webrtc-internals/ - Create a dump by downloading PeerConnection updates and stats data.
  • chrome://webrtc-logs/ - Lists recently captured WebRTC logs.

And then we have the following Chrome URLs listed for debug purposes only. These are designed to crash or hang the renderer.

  • chrome://badcastcrash -- unknown
  • chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/ -- Crashes the browser.
  • chrome://crash - Simulates a crash caused by the current tab
  • chrome://crashdump -- unknown
  • chrome://kill - Kills the current tab in the browser and displays a 'killed' page instead
  • chrome://hang - Simulates a frozen browser
  • chrome://shorthang - Simulates a browser that hangs for a moment
  • chrome://gpuclean
  • chrome://gpucrash - Simulates a crash of the gpu
  • chrome://gpuhang - Simulates a frozen gpu
  • chrome://memory-exhaust -- Simulates running out of memory
  • chrome://ppapiflashcrash - Simulates a crash of PPAPI Flash
  • chrome://ppapiflashhang - Simulates a hang of PPAPI Flash
  • chrome://inducebrowserheapcorruption/ -- simulate heap corruption.
  • chrome://heapcorruptioncrash/ -- simulate heap corrupt crash.
  • chrome://quit/ - Quit Chrome.
  • chrome://restart/ - Restart Google Chrome

The following Chrome URLS are not listed on the chrome://about page:

  • None currently

Deprecated Chrome URLs

  • chrome://cache - Displays all cached items, websites, images and scripts
  • chrome://copresence/ - Information about the Copresence service (active directives, tokens transmitted and received) which enables Chrome to communicate with nearby devices.
  • chrome://dns - If prefetching is enabled, then information about the prefetching is displayed here
  • chrome://flash - Detailed information about Chrome's Flash integration
  • chrome://ipc - Information about Chrome's inter process communication
  • chrome://memory - Displays the browsers processes, and the memory usage of all web browsers opened on the computer
  • chrome://memory-internals/ - Detailed memory information about each tab open, the browser and gpu process, and JSON information.
  • chrome://plugins - Lists all plug-ins and their status
  • chrome://profiler - Profile tracking information, only useful to developers.
  • chrome://sessions - Session information.
  • chrome://signin-internals/- Displays sign-in related information, e.g. last sign in, basic information and access tokens.
  • chrome://settings - Opens the main Chrome Settings' page.
  • chrome://stats - You need to run Chrome with --enable-stats-table for statistics to show up on this page. If you do not, the page is empty
  • chrome://taskscheduler-internals -- Lists task scheduler internals.
  • chrome://view-http-cache - Displays web pages that you have accessed, or were accessed while you were browsing on the Internet.

Not all Chrome URLs are useful to non-developers, but some let you access features that you would not be able to access otherwise. If you access an internal page regularly, you may want to bookmark it in the browser to speed that process up. Please note that pages come and go, and that some of the pages may be removed or altered in upcoming versions of the browser.

What Is Gpu Process Chrome In Firefox

If you spot any issues, know of pages that are not on the list, or errors in descriptions, feel free to leave a comment below so that I can correct the list for everyone's benefit.

List of Chrome URLs and their purpose
The page lists all internal chrome:// urls for fast access, and a description of the functionality of each chrome page.
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